Scripts, programs
and papers that I have written as part of my CS studies at the
university, and which might be useful for someone.
- A paper on
high avaliability systems under Linux (in Polish only, but the bibliography
contains a lot of possibly useful links) (January 2003)
- A paper and slides on shared
libraries and dynamic loading in UNIX (in Polish only, sorry) (November 2003)
- Slides for a part of a paper on management of requirements in a
software project. There is some information on program "CaliberRM" and a few
sentences on the theory of requirements. (November 2002)
A paper on how Python fits into numerical methods (in Polish only, sorry)
(June 2001)
- A few simple scripts and programs
written for the Operating Systems laboratory (June 2001)
Note: the
above tools are just toys, with no or little value except educational. There
certainly are better tools for those purposes.
- rgrep —
a recursive grep (Perl)
- genmail
— a correspondence
generation program (Perl)
- sortem —
a mailbox sorting
program (Perl)
- ascii2html
— a simple ASCII -> HTML
converter (Perl)
- html2ascii
— a simple HTML -> ASCII
converter (Perl)
- copy —
a copying program and a
report generating script (C i Perl)
- Zadanie 3 —
monfile, popen and file writing programs (synchronized by
signals) (C)
- Zadanie 4 — a program which sends data through FIFOs, message queues and
shared memory in small chunks. Also includes a lame resource freeing script
- A
paper on device drivers in Linux (June 2001) (in Polish only)
- A few small programs in x86
assembly (TASM)
Licensed under GNU GPL
Note: I take no responsibility for the above stuff. Moreover, it
probably will not be improved in the future.
Last modification of this page: 2008-11-17 20:04:43 UTC